10 Questions to Ask a Potential Real Estate Agent

10 Questions to Ask a Potential Real Estate Agent

Working with the best real estate agent has never been more important. They’re supposed to be the ones helping you find buyers and list your house.

Finding a great agent does not mean that you have found the best agent. Even the most successful agents may not be able to provide the support you require when selling your house.

Here is a list of 10 questions that you should ask potential real estate agents.

1. What are your qualifications and training?

Verify the qualifications of an agent before you make any decisions. They must also be a member of their local board and hold a valid license. The MLS (Multiple Listing Service), where they can advertise your property, is required.

It is also important that they have some experience. Although everyone starts somewhere, it is better to work alongside an experienced real estate agent that understands the market and can help you find qualified buyers.

You should also find out if they only work part-time. Selling your home quickly requires full-time work, even though there are many successful real estate agents that only work part-time. Part-time agents may have little time, especially if there are multiple clients.

2. Are You a Part of a Team or Organization?

After checking their credentials, you should ask if they work alone or on a team. It’s common for agents in metropolitan areas to work as a team. It’s best to be aware of the pros and cons before you decide.

If your agent is working with another agent, to whom will they pass the work when they are out of office? Will they be able answer any questions you may have if they are working alone, but they do have support staff?

This will help you avoid any miscommunications and stop you feeling that you are being passed on to someone else.

3. How many clients do you have?

You want an agent that is in high demand. However, you don’t want your name to be lost in the crowd. You might not get the attention you need from agents who have multiple clients.

A lot of clients does not mean that they can sell your house. They should be familiar with the selling process and how fluctuations in the market can affect your ability to sell.

selling process

4. What is the Selling Process?

Selling a house is not easy, even for those with many years of experience. Even when everything is in place, many things can still go wrong. Ask them to describe the entire process.

Understanding the process is essential, from determining the list price up to negotiating an offer. A qualified agent will explain the process to you in an easy-to-understand manner.

5. How many homes have you sold?

A lot of people want to know how many houses do Realtors sell each year. The truth is, it varies….a lot. It is important to know the track record of your agent. It doesn’t mean your home will sell immediately, but agents with a track record of selling many homes are usually better at understanding what it takes to put your home in front of the right people.

Ask about how many homes they have sold, for how long the homes were on sale and if the sales went smoothly.

6. Are you a specialist in my neighborhood?

Your agent should be able to sell homes in the area you live in. They don’t have to live in the neighborhood, but they should know it well and have sold similar homes.

It is important to know what the most valuable features of the area are and how future developments could impact the value.

associated fees

7. What Are Your Fees?

The real estate commission is usually split between the buyer’s agent and listing agent. An agent who is qualified will be glad to explain the commission structure. Also, you should ask about cancellation fees. You may be charged a penalty for breaking a contract.

8. What are the associated costs?

It’s only natural that you would want to know the cost of selling your home. There are also closing costs, inspections fees, title transfer fees and attorney fees..

9. How can I contact you?

Everybody has their own communication preferences. Some people prefer to communicate via email, while others prefer to use text messaging. Be sure that you are on the same page to avoid miscommunication.

Discuss how frequently you will communicate. Some sellers want weekly updates, while others may prefer every two weeks.

10. How do I prepare my house?

Before listing your house, you should consider a few factors. You might want to renovate or upgrade appliances, or paint. A real estate agent with experience will guide you through the process of preparing your home for potential buyers.

Real Estate Agents – The Bottom Line

With the help of a real estate agent with experience, you can attract the buyers you want and receive the offers you deserve. These professionals can help with everything from curb appeal and pricing to inspections and accepting offers.