Tag Archive: home renos

reno bathroom

A Little Home Renovation Advice. Bathroom Edition.

Yes certainly a few people may just look at your bath room as simply a bath room, nonetheless to you…it’s your haven. But what if your very own bathroom isn’t really the sanctuary you believed it to be? Well seems like you may well be in for a remodel!

It’s definitely a large venture to take on, but it is nothing you are unable to deal with on your own. Check out these 6 effective tricks to make the job better.

Create A Budget

Whether it is big or small, a person ought to continuously verify that you have sufficient money prior to embarking on any room remodeling project. Having a budget is crucial when remodelling and the bath room is no different with expenses which range between 10k and $23,000 and higher. Make sure you can pay for everything you envision before diving in.

Consider first about the idea of whether or not you’ll be sticking around and not selling anytime soon. If however it increases the value of your house you will want to do it. Areas like the bathroom and kitchen will sway a lot of potential buyers, so an incredibly outdated one may possibly need that kind of refresh just before you sell.

Break Down the Finances

Soon after you’ve set up your budget you will definitely want to direct where every dollar should go and in what order. Some would probably concur that it’s a safe bet that a third of your budget will definitively go toward labour.

At this point do you truly need the crystal handles on the faucet? Trimming the fat to salvage some cash is significant also. Sometimes our appetite is bigger than our stomachs so is the case with any kind of house redesign. Deluxe finishing can/will rip through your budget real quickly. Tiling the floor over dual his and her sinks might be a start.

Find Your Inner Inspiration

To be honest, both men and women spend generally 10-20mins in the bath room preparing in the morning. And for that reason – you devote quite a bit of time in there – you must reno it the way you want it.


Now you’ve got to get out on the internet and browse around on design websites, user discussion forums and other social networking sites relevant to home design and uncover something, or pieces, that you appreciate. You won’t be able to incorporate all the over-the-top features, as suggested above, nonetheless you are able to use designer spaces that will help you choose colors, hardware, countertops, linens or anything you may utilize to outfit your new bathroom.

Did You Think Ahead?

Have you given any consideration to the reality that likely during the course of the time you are improving your bath room, that it will be totally useless? Effectively that is of course unless you’re simply painting or some thing basic such as that. Planning ahead for the “out of service” sign being on your bath room, it’s good to sit down with the family and go over the midterm plan for the bath room while remodels are in process.

If you’ve gotan additional bath room in the residence, you are in luck Otherwise, you may well have to arrange with a neighbor to use their bathroom when needed or stay with a family member for a couple of days while the water is off. You could even rent a Porta-Potty for a few days and install it in your yard if it’s awkward to leave your house. We cannot think of it all but at the minimum be sure of having a bathroom Plan B ready.

Bob Prestep, a realtor from Lo de Marcos, Mexico, had this advice…

I’ll tell you right now, I’ve renovated over 20 bathrooms in my time and the top priority for anyone thinking about that should be to plan ahead for the unforeseen. Murphy’s Law – if it can happen it will happen – is well in play on any renos but none moreso than the bathroom and possibly kitchen.

No Plan is Without the Unexpected

Regarding budget [here is a great piece on cost expectations in bathroom jobs vs hiring someone], no matter what can change will change. So it is important to factor in the variables and apply adaptability in terms of budget numbers. Borrowing money to complete your bathroom remodeling is another option when it comes to financing your work. Nevertheless what you should consider is, in order to get financing you will have to present a thorough breakdown of where and how the finances will be spent.

Of course, a loan is not your sole option when it comes to paying for your project. However loans are not the only method for getting capital. There are equity draw, mortgages or also digging in to your own mattress money. In any case, know what you are going to be required to pay for everything and use that to decide where you are going to get the finances.

Continue To Be Steadfast to your Plan

Referring back to your plan/budget should occur through out your project. Adhere to your original plan and stick to your budget to have the greatest chance of success.Falling off the rails with respect to your plan and budget cannot only be high priced but additionally adds time to your bathroom renovation. Then again it’s up to you to stick to the outline and make the job as pain-free as possible. After it all you can relax and enjoy the fruits of your well-planned and executed bathroom renovation by appreciating your new sanctuary.

In writing this we came across a fellow blogger who coincidentally wrote a strikingly similar piece on bathroom reno advise so we thought it would be a good idea for our readers to have further insight in to their upcoming venture by providing a second opinion. Click here to read the article.